Friday 6 January 2012

Y U NO BUY part 2

I have this fear of not getting enough things in my life.
Not enough money,
not enough time,
not enough shirts,
not enough dresses,
not enough friends,
not enough fun,
not enough of everything.

So I stock up on everything, just in case I need anything:
I stock up on facial tissue,
stock up on dresses,
stock up on shirts and so on.
I spend so much time and monayh on shopping
and realize that it's not enough still.

I don't need them all, but you know, just in case.

So I want to share with you this story.
You know how some stories can change your life?
How some stories make you rethink everything again?
This is one:

The Sad Story of Justin Case.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Justin Case. He was 36 and lived in a 3500 sq ft. home with his wife and 2 children. He had a first and a second, and a 2 car garage. He fit 1 car and it’s $450 payment inside the garage and the other sat in the driveway with it’s $450 payment, to make room for more stuff in the garage.

He had more stuff than time. He had to work 60 hours a week to keep up with all of his payments.

He wanted to live more simply, but Justin Case, he couldn’t. He worked hard and thought he deserved nice things and lots of things. Justin Case, he bought extras of everything. He was always worried that he didn’t have enough.

Justin Case, he rarely gave to charities, even if really cared about their cause, because he might need the money some day. Justin Case, the poor guy, he couldn’t give up his credit cards. He might need them for emergencies, points or a rental car. Cash would never be enough.

On some level he knew better, but Justin Case did nothing about it. Better safe than sorry he thought. Better to have too much than too little.

And then his friend came along, Justin Time. He told him his story of simplicity, and that with all that he sold and gave away, he still had enough. He didn’t even have to tell him how happy he was, but he did. Justin Case, he didn’t notice.

I know I was a Justin Case, and I will try my best to be Justin Time.
Because I found out that quality time brings me much happiness nowadays, not dresses.
I feel happier doing these:
  • going for a jog with friends 
  • balik kampung and eat durians
  • writing and painting
Oh well.


  1. Justin Time is my dad.

  2. for spending money - Justin Time

    for saving money - Justin Case
