Tuesday 29 November 2011

False Alarm

Every time I want to write something important, it always ends up with nothing, the most I could come up with, a title in the draft.

I feel a tad bit useless. I should've been writing something worth reading, especially for fellow teachers.

The 'aha!' moment always come up at the worst possible time ever.
So I would end up writing rubbish. Just a piece of junk, filling up the internet bin.

I want to write something about why is it that teachers feel that our curriculum specifications are rubbish.
I want to write something about why our pupils/students/teachers are so exam-oriented.
I want to write something about why do teachers hate short courses.
I want to write something about KSSR.
I want to write something about rote memorization and why do teachers still doing it whilst knowing all along that it doesn't work for English Language subject.
I have all the reasons, I just don't have a peaceful time to write.
I would write something important in near future. I promise.

...once I got this stupid-curriculum-that-takes-up-most-of-my-time out of my way. But to be fair, I learn, reflect and I relearn things when writing for this  stupid-curriculum-that-takes-up-most-of-my-time.

1 comment:

  1. My kids' grades went down when I stopped rote memorization for half a year.

    Now am running away from Guru Besar hahaha

    At least the kids managed to speak and understand a more fluent spoken English.
