Friday, 4 June 2010

Back to square zero

This lately I have been observing 'moments'. You know, when your eyes speak on behalf. Those familiarities you can find in other's eyes. When one pair of eyes meets another and thus creating that moment. And you find yourself talking quietly inside your heart, trying to explain that particular moment. And I mean this not in a good way, not that lovey-dovey moment. Just moments. When you caught guilty, when you laugh, when you are curious. The different look in the eyes, yet the same set of eyes.


I dont know how to explain this to you but I am sure I know what I mean.

1 comment:

  1. nice one. especially bila ter-betentang mata dgn strangers, feels like he's talking something with you with just his eyes and sometimes u can feel that u might share certain similarities / certain thought with that stranger just by looking at their eyes. then u might keep thinking about it for few seconds, trying to figure out stories behind that stranger.
